The Structure of the Silk Mark Organisation of India

Permanent Official Members

  • 1. Chairperson - Appointed by the Govt.of India
  • 2. Vice Chairperson - Ex office Member Secretary, CSB
  • 3. Joint Secretary (Silk)/Director (Silk) or any other representative of Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India
  • 4. CEO/ Secretary of SMOI to be appointed by CoA under inimitation to MOT
  • 5. Nominee of CSB, not below the rank of Director
  • 6. Ex-Officer Chairperson/ Executive Director of ISEPC

Special Members

The state apex co-operatives , state Corporations, govt. departments, govt. sponsored societies and cooporative bodies dealing with silk/textiles industry are eligible to become Special Members of SMOI on payment of Special Membership fee. The Special Membership fee is fixed by the CoA . The Special Members have voting rights

Corporate Members

The Corporate Membership is open to all Institutions , Firms, Sole Proprietary concerns, weavers, master weavers and Individuals involved in the business of silk and silk industry on payment of fee fixed by the CoA. The Corporate Members have voting rights

Handloom and Powerloom Silk
Weavers Members

The Handloom and Powerloom Weaver Membership is open to small Handaloom and Powerloom weavers of silk having five looms or less, on payment of fee fixed by the CoA . The Handaloom and Powerloom Weavers Members have voting rights


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